Video-Podcasts – Economic Geography 2023

How are the videos from Instagram about cute animals connected with an illegal global trade of exotic animals? What is care-work and why is it important to understand our current economic system? Can cities transition towards a model based on sustainability instead of economic profit? These and more questions are explored by students of the Vertiefungsmodul GEO364 «Wirtschafts­geographien der Globalisierung» in their informative and entertaining Podcasts.

In the Bachelor seminar held during the autumn semester of 2023, students expanded their understanding of economic geography and delved into economic processes from a critical standpoint. This led to the creation of numerous impressive video podcasts. A select few had an exceptional blend of academic depth and artistic finesse, deserving broader recognition and sharing.

1. Lisa Mariani –  “Der illegale Handel exotischer Haustiere in der Sulu-Sulawesi Ökoregion”

2. Leslie Bournot – “Reproduktionskrise?”

3. Hugo Bazin – “Inclusive Public Transport Infrastructures – How to improve them”

4. Michelle Bodei –  “Kommodifizierung von Wasser in Laos”

5. Mauro Di Stefani –  “Akkumulation durch Enteignung”

6. Johanna Wyss -“Transition Towns: Der Weg in eine nachhaltige Zukunft?”